Cindy Nicholson is the Course Whisperer | PoP 339

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Cindy Nicholson is the Course Whisperer

Do you have something to teach your clients? Have your ever thought about creating an online course? What could you teach audience and how do you figure out what content to share?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks with Cindy Nicholson about how to launch online courses and maximize on opportunities within this space.

Podcast Sponsor

Part of the mission of The Gottman Institute is to empower therapists to provide this help to couples and families. Accordingly, the Institute offers accredited training in research-based assessment techniques and intervention strategies for professionals who wish to serve today’s couples and families.

The Gottman Institute is dedicated to combining wisdom from research and practice to support and strengthen marriages, families, and relationships. It brings the knowledge of research to therapists — and the insight of therapists to researchers. This link between research and practice reflects the collaboration of John and Julie Gottman, whose combined research and clinical experience is extensive, and incomparable.

To save $50 on the level 1 training click here!

Meet Cindy Nicholson

As a former teacher and corporate trainer, Cindy Nicholson works with entrepreneurs who have dreams of building their business beyond just trading dollars for hours. They’re ready to grow their business by offering online courses but have no idea where to start. Cindy helps walk them through the process so that they can create a course that they’re proud of and that their clients will love.

Cindy helps amazing entrepreneurs turn their incredible content into effective and engaging learning material at The Course Whisperer.

Find out more about Cindy on her Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Cindy Nicholson’s Story

When Cindy reached high school she knew she wanted to be a teacher so she acquired a teaching degree and landed her first job as a high school Phys-ed and Math teacher. What she found was, even though she loved teaching, she didn’t love what I was teaching

So I decided to leave the classroom and enter the corporate world and she wasn’t any happier. It wasn’t until a colleague suggested that she consider corporate training that she realized it would be the perfect fit for her.  Cindy stayed in this role for over 10 years and helped hundreds (if not thousands) of students. She started coaching others on how to share their knowledge and expertise in the most compelling and impactful way.

In This Podcast


In this episode Joe Sanok speaks with Cindy Nicholson about how to launch online courses and the opportunities surrounding it.

Things to Keep In Mind

Everybody has their own unique way of executing their business, everybody has that opportunity to share that with the world.

If you have a successful process, you can share this in an online space and teach others how to do the same.

When wanting to create an online course keep this in mind:

  • What are the pain points you are solving for your client. Validate that people are looking for a solution (check Google keywords and ready through forums)
  • Is there an audience that is willing to pay for this course
  • Check if there are other courses that are solving a similar problem (check Udemy, Coursera etc)
  • Approach your target market and ask for feedback

Creating Online Courses

When clients are looking to buy an online course, they are looking for a result, they are looking for the quickest and fastest way to get that result.

  • Creating the content of the course – take the time to create quality content that resonates and that gets clients the transformation they are looking for. Focus on the outcome and focus on the minimum number of steps needed to take in order to get the result. Less is more!
  • Technology – courses can be self hosted or you can use a third party
  • Marketing and launching – don’t wait too long to start talking about or marketing your course! When you are creating the content, use this opportunity to start planting those seeds.

Membership Site vs Online Course

An online course is really a spring board for your clients that are looking to grow and scale, it’s a spring board towards the next step. Online courses then can feed into membership sites.

A membership community has no end in site, but it has mini courses within it. An online course has an end and is very specific with the problem it solves.

Mistakes To Avoid When Putting Together A Course

  1. Providing too much content
  2. No clear outcome to the course – this makes it very hard to market and teach
  3. Lack of resources provided – you must provide tips and tools for implementation
  4. Marketing too late
  5. Not moving forward – always having an idea but never taking action

To claim your free resources Cindy has put together please click here.

Useful Links:

Meet Joe Sanok

private practice consultant

Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners that are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe.





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