Small Search: Getting Your Website Into Local Rankings

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Small Search: Getting Your Website Into Local Rankings

Google has gotten a lot smarter over the last few years. If you’ve used this tool a lot in that time, you’ve probably noticed the difference in the quality of search results you get. Gone are the days when you would get websites from completely different locations, and local SEO has played a large role in setting the scene for this kind of success. Of course, though, as a small business, it isn’t always easy to overcome the challenges which come with more complicated search algorithms. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring local search in the context of a healthcare business, though the techniques should apply to everyone.


Why Go Local?

Before you start putting loads of work into this, it’s worth thinking about the reasons why you’d want to market your business locally. For a healthcare company, this approach makes total sense, as all of the customers and clients which they will see will be isolated to a small area, and they won’t need to reach people across the world. On the other side of this, though, there are plenty of business types out there which can be hindered by local search results. For example, if you want to run an online store, it makes sense to reach as many people as possible, and this will be best achieved without focusing on smaller local audiences.


Google My Business

Once you’ve decided to go with local SEO, the first job on your list will involve setting up a Google My Business page. This is a free service which makes it much easier for local companies to appear in the search results, even if they have very poor SEO, simply based on the credentials which they give to Google. You will need to verify your business, and this is usually done by telephone or post, so it will take a little bit of time. While you’re waiting for this, it’s well worth getting your account set up with as many images, reviews, and other content as possible, as this will make you look like a very active company.


On-Site SEO

If you’ve been running a website for any meaningful amount of time, you will have probably heard of SEO before. This element of web design centers around your ability to create websites which are able to show up in search results, and can be an incredibly time-consuming part of your marketing. In the world of healthcare marketing, for example, SEO is possibly the most competitive area, and this makes it hard for new companies to get their voices heard. Not only do you need to have keywords across your site if you’re going to do well with local searches, but you also need to make sure that you’re mentioning the name of your local area, too.



SEO isn’t just something which is influenced by your own website, though. A lot of people make the mistake of keeping their company away from other websites, assuming that they won’t need the help of others to climb the rankings. In reality, though, a large part of Google’s search algorithm is based on reputation. By signing up to local directories and displaying your business information, you can start to reel in far more local visitors, and this is a great way to boost your income. Of course, as a big part of this, you will need to work hard to make sure that the information you put on sites like this represents your business properly.


Social Media

Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about social media. At this point in your marketing journey, you’re probably sick to death of hearing about sites like this, though they come up so much for very good reasons. Platforms like this weren’t ever designed to be used as marketing places, but have adapted into one of the very best places for this sort of work. They don’t rely on your SEO or website at all but can benefit that side of your business all the same, while still bringing in their own results. Some businesses don’t even have their own website, simply relying on Facebook to find local clients.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take control of your local SEO. A lot of people struggle with this sort of work, finding it hard to know what needs to be done when they are struggling with their local search results. Of course, though, as time goes on, this sort of work will only become more important, and this makes it worth putting more time into it.