28-Step Checklist to Start & Grow a Practice

Starting a practice?
Get the 28-step checklist totally FREE!

Do you want to start a private practice as a side gig to make money beyond your full-time job?

Do you dream of setting your own schedule on your own terms, but you're confused by the process of starting?

Are you sick of reading a million blogs, listening to podcasts, and wondering if you're doing the process correct?

Do you want starting a practice to be easy?

Starting a practice should be easy. With the #1 podcast for counselors in private practice, we’ve helped thousands of people start, grow, and scale their practices. Let’s get started! 


Joseph R. Sanok

Practice Owner, Consultant & Podcaster

Joe Sanok is the author of Thursday is the New Friday: How to work fewer hours, make more money, and spend time doing what you want. It examines how the four-day workweek boosts creativity and productivity. Joe has been featured on Forbes, GOOD Magazine, and the Smart Passive Income Podcast. He is the host of the popular The Practice of the Practice Podcast, which is recognized as one of the Top 50 Podcasts worldwide with over 100,000 downloads each month. Bestselling authors, experts, scholars, and business leaders and innovators are featured and interviewed in the 550 plus podcasts he has done over the last six years.


Get the Checklist to Start a Practice

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