The Podcast Network Monthly Roundup: April 2024

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Welcome back to the best of The Practice of the Practice!
We’re looking forward to sharing this month’s seasoned experts and empathetic voices – covering everything from women’s health, leadership, and couples counselling, to body confidence and writing a memoir.
Join us for insightful conversations, actionable advice, and transformative stories that promise to enrich your journey towards building and growing a successful practice!


Periods, PMDD, and the Stories We Never Tell with Heather Hendrie | POP 979

Which stories are not told that can bring such positive change when they are? Do you have a passion project that’s been sitting at your side for the last few months? How can sharing awfully funny and relatable human stories start a business that brings people together?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about periods, PMDD, and the stories we never tell with Heather Hendrie.

The Introvert’s Edge with Matthew Pollard | POP 982

Why are introverts uniquely positioned to be successful at networking? How can you use your expertise to market yourself clearly and confidently? How can you change your mindset from sales to service? 

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about the introvert’s edge with Matthew Pollard.


Energy Rising: Neuroscience of Leadership and Relationships with Dr. Julia DiGangi | POP 975

Do you want to work in harmony with your brain instead of against it? How can you train your brain to get accustomed to the right kind of stress so that things are easier? What does it take to update your “emotional codes” to reset your approach to life? 

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about the neuroscience of leadership and relationships with Dr. Julia DiGangi.

Preparing for and Navigating the court systems with Jill Williams | GP 219

What do you know about the court system? Have you ever been subpoenaed, and were you prepared? What should you have ready in case you’re called to testify, and how should you best protect yourself and your client in this nuanced situation?

In this podcast episode, Andrew Burdette speaks about navigating and preparing for the court systems with Jill Williams.


Offering Intensives with Stacey Curnow | GP 217

Have you been thinking about starting and offering intensives? How can you begin funnelling in clients? Why should you always bring in your own enthusiasm? 

In this podcast episode, Andrew Burdette speaks about offering intensives with Stacey Curnow.


How to know you need a sabbatical with Yolanda Harper | POP 976

Do you feel like you’re teetering on the edge? Is it perhaps time for a sabbatical? How can you prepare for one so that you can take this much-needed and healing time off? 

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about how to know you need a sabbatical with Yolanda Harper.


Why therapists are perfectly positioned to write a novel or memoir with Mary Adkins | POP 973

How are therapists uniquely well-positioned to write fiction and novels that could serve the world? Do you have book ideas that you’re hoping someone else will write? If you have a creative burn in you to write, will you let it grow and warm you to the idea? 

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about why therapists are perfectly positioned to write a novel or memoir with Mary Adkins. 


Avoid Or “Hate” Photos? How To Gain Confidence and Feel Empowered With Transformative Photographer Mervyn-Reid Nelson | BTB 181

Do you often avoid or “hate” photos? Do you want to gain more body confidence? How can a compassionate and free photography shoot lead to life-changing results?
In this podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Castagnini speaks about how to gain confidence and feel empowered with transformative photographer Mervyn-Reid Nelson.


Embracing Sensitivity: Navigating Parenthood with Insights, Challenges and Joys with Guest Ryann Watkin | SN 107

Are you a highly sensitive parent? Or similarly, are you currently parenting sensitive children? What are some things that every highly sensitive parent should know to help them remain calm, in touch, and in tune with themselves and their families?

Before You Go…