Seven Figure Practice Series: Building a 6,000 sq Wellness Space on 40 acres of land with Kaylee B. Bynum | POP 933

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Do you want to build your own practice? Have you noticed a plot of land that has you dreaming about the possibilities for a brick-and-mortar business? What can you do to get this done?

In this Seven Figure Practice Series podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about building a 6,000 sq wellness space on 40 acres of land with Kaylee B. Bynum.

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Meet Kaylee B. Bynum

A photo of Kaylee B. Bynum is captured. She is the multitasking marvel behind Peaceful Waters Counseling and Wellness Center in Moyock, North Carolina. Kaylee is featured on the Practice of the Practice, a therapist podcast.


Kaylee B. Bynum is the multitasking marvel behind Peaceful Waters Counseling and Wellness Center in Moyock, North Carolina. Kaylee holds degrees from Texas A&M and Regent University, as well as numerous certificates in the counseling field. Kaylee works primarily as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Business Coach. She is also the creative energy behind a 6,000-square-foot soon-to-be wellness center that sits on 40 acres of land. Kaylee’s counseling expertise benefits individuals of all ages and groups, making her a true advocate for people and small businesses.

Visit Peaceful Waters Counseling and Wellness Center and connect on Facebook and Instagram.

In this Podcast

  • Hiring for routine growth in the practice
  • A 6k square foot building for business
  • Kaylee’s advice for a building project
  • Kaylee’s advice to private practitioners

Hiring for routine growth in the practice

One of the main things that Kaylee does for her team is not to dictate their schedules and to allow them time off whenever they request it. When her private practice started she hired 1099 contractors. However, now all the employees are W2.

I think we’ve created a really great culture here. We attract people, and they are so happy being here that they never leave. They want to retire with us! (Kaylee Bynum)

Hiring the right people that fit the culture as well as building a great culture that suits the needs of the people is what allows Kaylee to grow a business that is successful and consists of happy employees.

A lot of how we attract those sorts of people is through word-of-mouth of our current therapists. Sometimes we’ll sprinkle out bonuses [to incentivize them] … And a lot of it is through our practicum and intern students, and the relationships that we have with local universities. (Kaylee Bynum)

So the main ways in which Kaylee ensures that they hire the right people for the practice are to:

  • Incentivize their current therapists to refer ones to be hired
  • Cultivate great relationships with students completing their practicum and hours
  • Build networks with local universities to attract the right students

A 6k square foot building for business

Kaylee drove past a for-sale sign on a big property before deciding one day to pull over and just have a look.

Two years later, I still saw the for-sale sign and I was like, “Alright, I’m going to call on this. I wanna see what this is about.” It was a great price, and it was zoned ‘heavy industrial’ … I gathered as much information as I could and I made an offer with a really long due-diligence. (Kaylee Bynum)

She spent months researching and contacting contractors, land surveyors, architects, and builders to gather data and figure out what she could do with it. Kaylee spoke to all the county commissions before signing the contract and they supported her ideas, so she hired an engineering firm to help with the rezoning application.

I had to give up and give a speech about why they should, and ultimately all the county commissioners approved and signed off on the rezoning, so it could take place. So we went from heavy industrial to general business, and now I can move forward! (Kaylee Bynum)

Kaylee’s advice for a building project

Kaylee recommends finding experts! Find people who know what they are talking about. Get a good builder and a good engineer, and know the county or city officials who can help you.

Kaylee’s advice to private practitioners

Invest in your team! Create a rock-solid admin team and do things for fun. Create a great culture because satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers.

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Check out these additional resources:

Seven Figure Practice Series: How to Build Your Leadership Team with Soribel Martinez | PoP Bonus

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Meet Joe Sanok

A photo of Joe Sanok is displayed. Joe, private practice consultant, offers helpful advice for group practice owners to grow their private practice. His therapist podcast, Practice of the Practice, offers this advice.

Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners who are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe.

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