The Podcast Network Monthly Roundup: March 2024

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Are you looking for an expert in your field? Look no further! 
Here at POP, we specialise in specialists.
If it’s leadership advice you’re after, why not listen to our episode with Dr. Benjamin Ritter? Or if you’re reevaluating your work-life balance, Dr Recker is a burnout guru.
And if you want to grow your brand presence, listen to our episodes with Lisa Haisha (and how she got her TV show) and Megan Bennett (and how to get big media attention). 
So level up your expertise with us as we bring you back the best of March.


Bringing Your True Self into Therapy with Rachel Sievers | POP 971

Do you want to bring more of yourself and your lived experience into your therapy sessions? How can therapeutic outcomes be improved with therapist-to-client authenticity? Why does knowing yourself well bring you so much more insight into sessions?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about bringing your true self into therapy with Rachel Sievers.

How to be a better leader with Dr. Benjamin Ritter | POP 960

Do you want to become a great leader? What’s the difference for a leader in a solo or group practice? What are the absolute essentials for becoming an unforgettably (good) leader?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about how to be a better leader with Dr. Benjamin Ritter.


How to Engage in the Present and Avoid Burnout with Eric Recker | POP 969

Do you know why you are actually doing what you are doing? Are you simply chasing achievements, or do you have an intention? How can you simply yet powerfully turn all your “losses” into “wins”?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about how to engage in the present and avoid burnout with Eric Recker.


Kids and Family Considerations with Jill Williams | GP 216

Do you work with kids in your private practice? How should you navigate informed consent if your clients are typically younger than 18? What are the best practices to keep in mind when you are working with kids and their family systems?

In this podcast episode, Andrew Burdette speaks about kids and family considerations with Jill Williams.


Opening A Second Practice Location with Ashley Mielke | GP 214

How can you create enough business to sustain two locations? Is it possible to continually max out the business for even one location? What does it take to maintain the focus and to drive the vision that you have for your practice?

In this podcast episode, LaToya Smith speaks about opening a second location with Ashley Mielke.


Travel, Personal Growth, and Getting a TV Show with Lisa Haisha | POP 968

How can you integrate your lived experience into wisdom that you can properly share with others? Do you feel like you have had life experiences that can become powerful knowledge for your clients on their journeys? What can you do to intentionally improve your life a little bit each day?
In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about travel, personal growth, and getting a TV show with Lisa Haisha.

Getting Big Media Attention with Megan Bennett | POP 964

What can small practices do to get big marketing deals? Do you want to go big with your media coverage? What marketing mistakes should you avoid when you’re trying to boost your media presence?
In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about getting big media attention with Megan Bennett.

Treating PCOS and Avoiding Diet Culture Narratives with Julie Dillon | BTB 177

Do you have PCOS? Why should people with PCOS be mindful of diet culture myths? How can you treat PCOS without falling prey to bad medical advice that’s been influenced by diet culture?
In this podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Castagnini speaks about what to know about treating PCOS while avoiding diet culture narratives with Julie Dillon.


Unlocking Healing: Transpersonal Energy Healing and Trauma Recovery Explained with Kimberly Ward | SN 105

Have you heard of somagenics? Which incredible hidden depths of yourself can you unlock by using the body’s energy field in healing? How can you truly heal and let go of old patterns so that you can genuinely live your life?

In this podcast episode, Lisa Lewis speaks about transpersonal energy healing and trauma recovery with Kimberly Ward.

Before You Go…